Fonts Candara

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General Punctuation Test for Unicode support in Web browsers. General Punctuation. U2. 00. 0 U2. F   8. Characters 8. 21. Microsofts WGL4 character set. Characters 8. 21. Unicode equivalents for some of the characters in Apples Mac. Roman character set. Characters 8. 23. Unicode equivalents for some of the characters in Monotypes Symbol font. Characters 8. 21. Unicode equivalents for some of the characters in the ANSI character set. There is another collection of punctuation marks in the Supplemental Punctuation range, and there are many others in the ranges for specific scripts. Fonts Candara' title='Fonts Candara' />How to Choose a Good Programming Font for EditPad and Other Text Editors EditPad Can Use Any Font. Fonts Candara' title='Fonts Candara' />The characters that appear in the Character columns of the following table depend on the browser that you are using, the fonts installed on your computer, and the browser options you have chosen that determine the fonts used to display particular character sets, encodings or languages. The entries in the Entity column are character entity references that can be used in HTML pages. Almost all fonts contain at least a few characters from this range. Fonts Candara' title='Fonts Candara' />You can find some or all of the characters in this range in the Windows Unicode fonts aakar, Aboriginal Sans, Aboriginal Serif, Abyssinica SIL, Aegean, Aegyptus, Aharoni, Ai. Pai. Nutaaq, Akhil HE, Akkadian, Akshar Unicode, Aleem Urdu Unicode, Alexander, Alfios, Alice. MX, Alice. 1 MX, Alice. MX, Alice 3 MX, Alice. MX, Alice. 5 MX, Alkaios, ALPHABETUM Unicode, Anaktoria, Analecta, Andale Mono, Andalus, Andika Basic, Andron Scriptor Web, Angsana New, Angsana. UPC, Anmol. Uni, Anmol. Uni. Bani, AR PL Shan. Hei. Sun Uni, AR PL Zen. Kai Uni, Arabic Transparent, Arabic Typesetting, Arev Sans, Arial, Arial Unicode MS, Aroania, Atavyros, Attika. U, Avdira, Babel. Stone Han, Babel. Stone Phags pa Book, Baekmuk Batang, Baekmuk Dotum, Baekmuk Gulim, Baekmuk Headline, Batang, Batang. Che, Berling Antiqua, Bitstream Cyber. Office 2011 Fonts. If you want to skip to the part where you see the list of fonts to remove, click here. Be sure to delete font caches after removing duplicates. Base, Bitstream Cyber. Bit, Bitstream Cyber. CJK, Bosporos. U, BPG Classic 9. U, BPG Paata Khutsuri U, Browallia New, Browallia. UPC, Bukyvede, Calibri, Cambria, Cambria Math, Candara, Cardo, Caslon, CDT Khmer, Century, Chandas, Charis SIL, Chrysanthi Unicode, CN Times, Code. Code. 20. 01, Consolas, Constantia, Corbel, Cordia New, Cordia. C/A/Candara-Bold-Italica.png' alt='Fonts Candara' title='Fonts Candara' />Web safe CSS font stacks and web fonts. Select, preview, and generate CSS and HTML for your font family. UPC, Courier Mono. Thai, Courier New, Dai Banna SIL Book, Dai Banna SIL Light, Daicing Bible, Daicing Harmony, Daicing Round, Daicing White, Daicing Xiaokai, Daun. Penh, David, David Transparent, Deja. Vu Sans, Deja. Vu Sans Condensed, Deja. Vu Sans Mono, Deja. Vu Serif, Deja. Vu Serif Condensed, Dialekt Uni, Digohweli, Dilyana, Dok. Champa, Doulos SIL, Dukor, Ekushey Azad, Ekushey Durga, Ekushey Puja, Ekushey Punarbhaba, Ekushey Saraswatii, Ekushey Sharifa, Ekushey Sumit, e Phon. Translit UNI, Ethiopia Jiret, Euphemia, Euphemia CAS, Everson. Mono, Ezra SIL, Ezra SIL SR, Fixed Miriam Transparent, Fixedsys Excelsior, FMBF Bardi, Frank. Ruehl, Free Idg Serif, Free Monospaced, Free Sans, Free Serif, Frutiger Linotype, Galatia SIL, Galilee Unicode Gk, Gandhari Unicode, Garava, Gargi, Garuda, Geez Unicode, Gentium, Gentium. Alt, Georgia, GFS Bodoni, GFS Didot, GFS Neohellenic, Gisha, Global. Science, Goher Urdu Unicode, Gulim Che, Gungsuh, Gungsuh. Che, HAN NOM A, HAN NOM B, Hapax Berbre, Hapax Touareg, Hapax Touareg DG, Hindsight Unicode, HY Shin Myeongjo Std Acro, Impact, Iskoola Pota, Jaipur Unicode NFLC, j. Garamond, JG Basic Lao, JG Chantabouli Lao, JG Lao. Times, Jomolhari, Junicode, Kadmos. U, Kalinga, Kaputa. Unicode, Kartika, Kayases, Khmer OS, Khmer OS Fasthand, Khmer OS Freehand, Khmer OS Metal Chrieng, Khmer OS Muol, Khmer OS System, Kidprint, Kisiska, Kliment Std, Kochi Gothic, Kochi Mincho, Kozuka Mincho Pro Acro, Kurdish All. Alphabets, Lao Unicode, Lateef, Leeds. Uni, Leelawadee, Legendum, Levenim MT, Linux Biolinum O, Linux Libertine O, Loma, Lucida Bright, Lucida Console, Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans, Lucida Sans Typewriter, Lucida Sans Unicode, Malgun Gothic, Marin, Masinahikan, Masinahikan Dene, MD King Khammu. Rabi, Mg. Old. Times UC Pol, Mg. Open Canonica, Microsoft Himalaya, Microsoft Sans Serif, Microsoft Uighur, Microsoft Yi Baiti, Mike Hebrew, Mike Hebrew Web, Mingfor ISO1. Ming. Li. U, Ming. Li. UHKSCS, Minion Pro, Miriam, Miriam Fixed, Miriam Transparent,. Mondulkiri U GR 1. Mongolian Baiti, Monospace, Mool. Boran, MPH 2. B Damase, MS Gothic, MS Mincho, MS PGothic, MS PMincho, MS Reference Sans Serif, MS Reference Serif, MS UI Gothic, MSung Std Acro, Musica, Mya. ZediM1. 7N, My. Myanmar, Myriad Pro, Narkisim, Nastaleeq Like, New Athena Unicode, New Gulim, Norasi, NSim. Sun, NSim. Sun 1. Nyala, Open. Symbol, Oski. Blackfoot, Oski. Dakelh, Oski. Dene. A, Oski. Dene. B, Oski. Dene. C, Oski. Dene. S, Oski. East, Oski. West, Padauk, padmaa, Pak. Type Naqsh, Palatino Linotype, Parabaik. Sans, Pashto Kror Asiatype, Phetsarath OT, Phnom. Penh OT, Pitabek, Plantagenet Cherokee, PMing. Li. U, Potha, Quivira, Reader Sans, Rekha, Rod, Rod Transparent, Roman. Cyrillic Std, Roman Unicode, Rotinonhsonni Sans, Rupakara, Samda, Sanskrit 2. Santipur OT, Saysettha MX, Saysettha OT, Saysettha Unicode, Sazanami Gothic, Sazanami Mincho, SBL Greek, SBL Hebrew, Scheherazade, Segoe Print, Segoe Script, Segoe UI, Siddhanta, Sim. Hei, SIm. PL, Simplified Arabic, Simplified Arabic Fixed, Sim. Sun, Sim. Sun 1. Sophia Nubian, Star. Symbol, STIXGeneral, STSong Std Acro, Summersby, Sun Ext. A, Sylfaen, Symbola, Tab. Avarangal. 2, Tahoma, Thryomanes, Tibetan Machine Uni, Times New Roman, TITUS Cyberbit Basic, Traditional Arabic, Trebuchet MS, TSC FMing S TT, TSC JSong S TT, Un. Batang, Ugaritic 3. Unicode, Uni. Burma, Unikurd Web, Uqammaq, Urdu Naskh Asiatype, Urdu Naskh Unicode, Uttara, Vang. Vieng MX, Verajja, Verdana, Visual Geez Unicode, Visual Geez Unicode Agazian, Visual Geez Unicode Title, Vrinda, Vusillus Old Face, Wakor, Wangdi. Wen. Quan. Yi Zen Hei, Wen. Quan. Yi Zen Hei Mono, Xieng. Thong MX, XTashi, Yigezu Bisrat Gothic Goffer, YOz. Font. N and Zawgyi One in the Macintosh OS 9 Unicode fonts Apple Chancery, Capitals, Charcoal, Charcoal CE, Charcoal CY, Chicago, Chicago CE, Chicago CY, Chu. Gothic, Courier, Courier CE, Gadget, Geneva, Geneva CE, Geneva CY, Heisei. Kaku. Gothic, Heisei. Mincho, Helvetica, Helvetica CE, Helvetica CY, Hoefler Text, Monaco, Monaco CE, Monaco CY, New York, Osaka, Osaka Mono, Palatino, Palatino CE, Sand, Sai. Mincho, Skia, Tahoma, Techno, Textile, Times, Times CE and Times CY in the Macintosh OS X Unicode fonts Alkaios, Apple. Gothic, Apple Li. Gothic, Apple Li. Sung, Apple. Myungjo, Apple Symbols, Arial, Ayuthaya, Batang, Beijing, Biau. Kai, BJCree Uni, Century, Chalkboard, Charcoal, Charcoal CY, Chicago, Conakry, Courier, Didot, Euphemia UCAS, Fang Song, Futura, Geneva, Geneva CY, Gentium, Gentium. Alt, Gothic. Medium, Gulim, Gung. Seo, Hangang, Hei, Helvetica, Helvetica CY, Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro, Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std, Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro, Hiragino Mincho Pro, Kai, Junicode, Krungthep, Lucida Grande, Monaco, Monaco CY, MS Gothic, Mshtakan, MS Mincho, MS PGothic, MS PMincho, Myungjo. Neue, New Athena Unicode, New York, Osaka, Osaka Mono, PCMyungjo, Pil. Gi, Plantagenet Cherokee, PMing. Li. U, Sand, Sathu, Seoul, Silom, Sim. Sun, Skia, Song, STFangsong, STHeiti, STKaiti, STSong, Tae. Graphic, Taipei, Tekton. Best Software For Email Hacking Sites. Pro, Thonburi, Times, Times CY, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Zapfino and Zuzumbo and in the Unix Unicode font Caslon. To see exactly which characters are included in a particular font, you can use a utility such as Andrew Wests Babel. Map, Apples True. Edit, or Wunder. Moosens Font.